Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Hot out of the oven

Literally . . . This photo was taken about 30 seconds after it came out of the oven.  

I enjoy making bread each week.  This is my cheddar buttermilk recipe - crunchy exterior with soft interior and a cake like crumb.  It is one of my husband's favorites.  

I have been doing aquatic physical therapy for almost a month now to increase my range of motion and strengthen my shoulder.  It has been painful and grueling, but I am making good progress.  When I started, I could barely swim.  During my last session, I swam 25 laps doing the breaststroke, side stroke (on both sides) and a modified backstroke, as well as a ton of other exercises.  But I think it will be awhile before I can do a forward crawl or a full backstroke.  And I don't think I will be doing butterflies for a long time.  

Thank you all for your kind comments.  I do appreciate them!

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