Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Cabin Fever

This lovely Christmas ornament was a gift from my mother a few years ago.  Funny thing is it looks like our real RV.  J and I were thinking how nice it would be to load up the pups in the RV, and just escape somewhere.  But then the question becomes "Where do we go?" Many RV parks are closed or have more onerous restrictions because of Covid than if we stayed at home.  So, we won't be going anywhere any time soon.  

I had a Zoom meeting with several people today as we prepare for a state Senate finance committee hearing on Tuesday. I am on the board of directors of a professional organization and we have been asked to give testimony on the effect certain bills will have on industry.  Of course the hearing will be by Zoom.  Our government consultant that we work with has been telling us about the Senators involved in this hearing, I am once again amazed at the limited knowledge that our elected officials have over things they are responsible for and have legislative power over.  

It just reaffirms my belief that we as citizens are responsible for the not only electing the right people to office, but then educating them in matters that are important to us.  

I think I need a vacation.  I wonder what Old Faithful looks like in the snow.  Oh well, it doesn't look like I will be finding out this year.  

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