Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

At last ...

TSM and I managed to get some time to ourselves. Went into town to get her a new 'phone (her old one was crap but we still got a good trade in price). Then socially distanced lunch (very good) and a bit of Christmas shopping. The shops were not busy and we felt in control and fairly safe.

Think I might just have a stay at home day tomorrow and major on reading and drinking tea. It's been busy these last three days. Am reading the rather annoying God of Small Things which I want to finish so that I can get on to something else (even though the title probably sums up my life at the moment) ...

Very sorry to hear of the death of John Le Carre. A hero of mine for the depth of his characters. 

For the record, I think my soul mate is gorgeous.

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