Can You Roll Your Tongue?

Squirrel can (but she can't do the Clover shape)

More changes to the meal drop route - and the car decided to do a system update as I was approaching the deliveries I didn't know.
So I had to stop and wait an age while it updated - then the sat-nav couldn't find the satellites - then it tried taking me back the route I had just come (which was very wet, flooded and with flowing water down the gutters and road edges ..... but not coming out of the sky).
Trying to drive towards the rough area I knew I was to head to didn't work in giving it a kick start, so I was forced to stop, switch of the car and leave it a couple of minutes.
Yahoo - it worked.
Still - it all added to a 3 hour outing.
When I got back to the office I collected the prints that had been hanging as an exhibition in The Larder's cafe in Broxburn. As I understand it for the the next undetermined time scale it is to be used for some form of training so for the safety of my prints they have been returned. So that is the end of a 10 month exhibition - 9 of which with it being unseen..

I have printed out the pictures for SWMBO's aunt's calendar, so tomorrow I will need to see about putting it together.
There is a wee pot winging its way down south to a Blipper was was very keen to possess it (Thank you so much SK).

The monsters stopped in after school and The Cygnet spent his time lying on the sofa with Nanna and Squirrel did her usual of handstands and face pulling. But I did get one nice, natural smile.

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