
As most of you probably know, this is Logan. Even though he hasn’t always followed my advice and even though he has far too many tattoos, I do admire his tenacity at life when he lost his biggest fan and best confidant. His work ethic as they’ve been saving while living with us and his frugality in saving. He is a good dad and his patience with Na’iema and his compassion for all living things are traits I admire. At 27 he has had much to overcome and he’s navigating that admirably too.

Today I took a nasty fall down our indoor steps. It felt ugly as I slammed down on my tailbone and I thought I heard some vertebrae compress. I hope it’s just muscular and with a lot of naproxen, some ice and heat and visualization, it feels a tiny bit better but I spent the day flat on the couch. The family rallied to cook dinner, take the dog out and we all ate in the living room. Hoping tomorrow is better or I’m going to have to delegate some Christmas chores.

Thanks to Carolinav for hosting this month too.

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