Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Black Beauty 2...

... The light was so good this morning. Again I caught sight of the kingfisher, but the only capture I managed was as it flew away, a dot of vibrant colour over the water. Still magical in an abstract kind of way.

The robin came down to sit near me, apparently checking out what I was up to; I try not to assume (because we all know it makes as ass of you and me) but when it  perches an arms length away from me and looks me in the eye as it sings and chirrups, that is what I choose to think. It could, I suppose, just as easily have been telling me to clear off. 
We connect anyway, I feel certain. (And blessed).

We received no post (again) today. I know I'm not the only blipper to mention the lack of post. 

I finished writing our Christmas cards yesterday and posted them and then (during the night) suffered a sudden massive attack of Self Doubt. I had  enjoyed myself (I blame the isolation of Covid) painting some wintry scenes and then printing them onto a few cards, for 'special' people. (A feat which, with this new PC was no breeze), but then I suddenly thought, 'what was I thinking?'. 'People will think that I believe these pictures are really good'.... 'I should have just sent Charity Cards'. 
It's funny, no matter how old you are it's so easy to tap back into that same sense of panic that you did when the teacher in Junior School asked you to mime because your terrible voice was putting everyone else off.. (Just me perhaps? :-) ). 
I'm over it. Honestly. I even sing now (sometimes. In the car. Alone). 
And hey! The cards are gone now. 
Least said soonest mended. 
They'll soon be in the recycling bin.

More importantly, we still wait to hear from the Care Home regarding the possibility of seeing the Elderly One. (I understand the issues. It still feels pretty dire though. Our Elderly One said to me on the telephone, 'don't worry, I know you're too busy to come'. Heart-breaking.... As if...). 

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