Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Bathing Beauty...

... I thought it was too chilly for a dip, but the blackbird had other ideas.
He had a fine old time in the water, throwing it around and dipping himself. As if he were having a tantrum. (Perhaps he had some unwelcome visitors he needed to shake off?). It's not the most wonderful capture, with the wire cutting through it, but it made me smile.  

I saw the kingfisher today too. I think I must have startled it because it flew to the side of me and then did a kind of loop around me. I waited a while but I didn't see it return. It's magical every time to see the little jewel whizz past. 

Speaking of tantrums, I feel like throwing the PC out of the window...
I confess that the new one (a year old now) has not been easy for me to 'drive'. (I must add that I'm not a complete idiot, and used my last one to good effect). Consequently I only use this one when needs must. Today, needs musted, and I have wasted so much time trying to find things I 'know' I saved with care. Himself has (finally) come to agree with me, that it and I have a relationship which goes beyond mere mechanics (and it truly does 'play up' for me). 

I'm going for a lie down.

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