Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Sunny Dunny

A dry morning at last, and the drive up to Edinburgh was a pleasure. All was well at the flat. The development of the strange glass boxes (very expensive glass boxes) at Craighouse had come on a lot - they might even be finished. The design is so lacking in detail that it's hard to tell.

TM wanted to go to Waitrose in search of something called Nduja (I think that's how you spell it) paste. It's all Nigella Lawson's fault - he's a fan ...

But he came back empty-handed and disinclined to venture any further into the city.  So we decided to take the slow road home - down the A1 to Dunbar, and then across the Lammermuirs.

We stopped for a walk around the harbour, just as the light was starting to go - about 3.30 pm.  A few boats were in, someone had just landed a couple of creels of lobsters, the seals were in the harbour looking hopeful, eiders floating about and gulls indulging in a bit of antisocial behaviour. No sign of the kittiwakes, just their empty nests on the cliffs waiting for their return in the spring. 

We're considering Dunbar as a possible future home. TM likes it a lot, I'm not sure I'm quite so keen. It will be a while before we're ready to decide.

After we got home, we realised that we shouldn't have been in East Lothian at all - we thought they were in Level 1 like us, but no, they were in 2 and have just been upped to 3 because the numbers are rising so rapidly. We do our best to keep to the rules but it's hard to keep up. We were outside  walking by the water all the time we were there, so I don't think we need worry.

Yesterday's mystery object was a drum carder in action - blending woolen fibres ready for hand spinning. I'll add an extra of the whole thing tomorrow, if I remember ....

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