Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


Rose late, and never managed to get ahead of the day .... This is how it went.

 Discovered Percy has made himself a new hidey place, on a chair tucked under the dining room table, rolled up in the half-finished quilt which is lying on the aforementioned table. Admonished Percy, he wasn't bothered ....
(extra 1)

Last Scots Song class meeting of 2021, so we sang Xmas songs (in Scots) and wore silly hats.(Extra 3)

Over to Berwickshire for lunch with C & C. Took a while to put the world to rights.  Good to see them both looking well. (Main)

Home around 6 pm, happy to see the timer on the Christmas lights is working.(Extra 2)

No definite news from the family down south, so we're still operating on the assumption that they will be here over Christmas. We think we will be able to gather within the guidelines set down by Nicola yesterday - but who knows, things are changing daily. 

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