Surprisingly sunny

A greyish morning and rain forecast so we went out earlier than  usual. Walked Fletch ( who had a peaceful night thank goodness) along Channelside. 
I didn't bother taking my camera as it seemed so grey but as we got there , the clouds parted it and it was a lovely sunny day. 
( note to self.. bring the  camera and the telephoto lens next time so I can take some proper photos of my favourite old fashioned fishing boats. ) 
So out came the phone camera and I took a few photos.

The Blip is of the Talisker. It's a rare day when it isnt moored there. I dont think I'd like to go out to sea in   it , even on a day like this when the sea was  very calm
A lovely pleasant walk. If I'd realised it was going to be like this Id have messaged Flavia 13 ( we shall  meet up)

Touch wood Fletch seems ok today. I've mixed a new food with his usual , which he liked. We are being strong and not giving him our biscuits.

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