
By Cumbrialass


Another  restless night. This time not Fletch (he slept soundly) but a  very strong wind howling round the house that lasted hours.  M became worried about some of his bonsai  so about 5 am he was up and out to move a couple to safety. Then he remembered another one that he needed to check and was up and outside again. 
Luckily no damage to anything and the wind did drop this morning although it did rain at first. 

Fletch took us for a walk up to the sea wall. Not busy today, only a few hardy dog walkers. The wind dropped so in the end it was a pleasant walk.

Back home and a phone call from our 'Isolated' friends Tony and Linda  to say that tomorrows weather is fine so could we meet up at their house.. outside of course but we could chat and exchange Christmas presents. Last time we saw them was in July. ( Prior to the pandemic we used to meet up almost every week) 

I decided to get the Christmas tree  from the barn . We may not be getting any visitors this year but I do like the tree and it cheers up a dark corner. 
The tree and lights are quite old but isnt that part of the  Christmas tradition to dig out the old decorations every year! Lol

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