Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Dinner for three.

On its way from Nando’s!

The eagle-eyed among you may be able to spot a certain expectant hound in the background. I am sure something will be coming her way.

I am immersed in a three month work project that’s taking up all my time and mental capacity. I am hoping it will enable me to retire in the middle of next year, which is a great incentive!

Stay safe, and follow the rules. Whatever they may or may not be. Or the guidance. Which may be compulsory. Or not. Meet your relatives or don’t. Follow the science. Except when the scientists say something that might be politically unpalatable. If you live in the North you need to knuckle down and take it on the chin - it’s your own bad behaviour that got you into this mess. If you live in the South then it’s probably the Northerners’ fault, or a new strain of the virus, but it’s absolutely not the fault of the clowns running the country giving mixed messages, and huge pay rises to people who break the rules. They’re distracted, after all, getting us that fab deal from those pesky Europeans, who just unreasonably won’t let us cherry-pick the best bits of the EU and sail off into our lonely sunset with all our self-determination and national pride restored. Shame all the Carry On crew are now gone - they could’ve done a better job. At least we will have the wonderful blue passports back. Those red ones kept me awake at night.

Nando’s have arrived! Bloody Portuguese food, there’ll be none of that nonsense from 1 January.

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