Reed Buntings...

and at least a dozen Typhoons.

I went out to Lakenheath (RSPB) reserve and spent a while photographing the reed buntings by one of the feeders.  I'm a bit gutted that I didn't get the whole reflection in with this, but it was such a quick movement that I'll take the sharpness of the photo.  There were lots of small 'garden' birds around in the trees and I saw a distant marsh harrier, but it was too far off for a decent pic. 

As well as all the bird song, there was also lots of noise from the Typhoons going out on sorties from the nearby RAF base.  Not quite the sort of bird I was expecting, but I liked the contrails on the shot in the extras. 

I'm starting to think that I should invest in a longer zoom lens and I'm considering (again) the sigma 150-600mm contemporary which I have used briefly. It's fairly compact, but at over 2 kilos, it's a heavyish lens to lug about... does anyone have other suggestions?? 

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