White swan

Returning from the routine Thursday food shop I drove past the local hostelry which has been closed since the spring. The painters and electricians were in full action and the new owners have erected a fine Gaelic sign – its new name is Eala Bhàn – White Swan. So am hopeful that this might be a venue where us new speakers can go to practise our Gaelic. E tells me that many years ago the pub was called The Swan and that there is swan etched into one of the windows – which I found on my way to the library in the afternoon. A courageous decision to open a new business at this time.
Another energising swim, the atmosphere is always so jolly, like we have been let out into the playground. This contrasts I notice with the staff, most of whom are very young. While they are always polite and courteous they cannot hide their ennui. It must be difficult.
The remains of the day spent reading Philip Pullman’s Grimm Tales. Almost as disturbing as The Archers, still if it highlights white and ostensibly respectable civic minded European slave trading then it might be a good thing. Poor benighted Kirsty.
A wedding anniversary today so a slightly more elaborate supper – (pomegranate seeds make a good substitute for lemon in an orange sauce) a decent white burgundy and nougat for pudding.
A string of Victorian Christmas cats now accompanies the icicles in the hallway, if I’m short of a blip in the few days they could come in handy.

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