Merry Christmas Window, Aylesford

This is the festive view out of my front window. The car in the background is part of my everyday weekly life as it's the one I get a lift in every morning up to my local station at Barming. Come rain, shine, total darkness, teeth-clenching cold, thick fog and, very occasionally, snow, my brother, without fail, takes me the five to seven minute journey (traffic lights and congestion permitting) to the start of my commuter slog. I'm so eternally grateful that he gets up every day to take me there. A gesture that I will always appreciate so much. It's often the small things that make the biggest difference.
Where I live in Kent the infection rates just keep climbing. One area in Swale (Leysdown - where I took an image earlier in the year) has the quite incredible, barely believable, rate of infection of 1,732 per 100,000 head of population. That's more than ten times the rates in other parts of the country. The reason's are probably quite complex but one thing that sticks out are the levels of depravation and households that need to use  food banks. A terrible indictment of the disparity between the rich and poor in our country and something this government has done nothing to stem.

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