Yashin & The Medicine Ball, Aylesford

Lev Yashin, nicknamed the "black spider" or the "black panther", was the iconic goalkeeper for the Soviet Union and considered by many to be the greatest in the history of the sport.
He revolutionised the position by imposing his authority on the defence, his vocal presence, his interception of crosses and his uncanny ability to run out and meet onrushing attackers before they got a chance to shoot. He is still the only goalkeeper to ever receive the Ballon D'Or.
Ironically, his kit was actually dark blue and not black - it just looked that way because all the games he played in were almost always shot in black and white! The footballs they played with were also much heavier than today's versions and when they got wet during the games due to rain (or snow) some players said the ball felt as heavy as a medicine ball to kick, head or catch.
Just breaking news - we are now in Tier 4 (which didn't exist until Boris thought to mention it in his press conference now). Effectively it means we are right back where we started in March. He's not fit to run a whelk stall (as the saying goes) let alone a government or a country. A ten year old could have seen this coming but as usual he's left it all far too late. To top it all off it's now pissing it down!

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