Christmas Faeries
By chance I tuned into Classic FM as I drove back from the gym this morning and heard the new John Rutter carol – Joseph. Joseph gets scant mention in the gospels, and in paintings he is invariably asleep or in the shadows. A timely celebration of fatherhood.
Passing the Eala Bhàn and noticed the sign writer has added an accent to bhàn, unfortunately it’s an acute accent which doesn’t exist in Scots Gaelic, credit though for trying to do the right thing.
Tempting after lunch to stay put, weather not great again. Pleased I made the effort because I found the Pollok Faerie glade suitably decorated for Christmas which is today’s blip. I also found the other iron cable remains of the suspension bridge long since demolished, it appears to be at angle to the one of the other side of the river which is presumably why it’s taken me so long to see it.
Delighted that my seven day swim concluded by achieving a half mile in my time slot, plus one minute. (Although I lost count around 28 and I think I may have done two extra laps which cancels out the minute.)
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