Da Freefield Kirk Lights

It was a fine calm morning.  Winds picked up in the afternoon, and a few showers this evening. 

I've been working in the museum all day.  It's been a  steady day of visitors, although still quiet.  Met up with friend Julie and headed out walkies with the dogs.  Popped along Lorraine's for a cuppa.  Quiet night in with the jigsaw. 

The main aim for the walk was to come see the kirk's Christmas garden light display.  The local folk have put in great effort, with a wonderful display.  There are various Christmas related decorations, but also this boat, and old creels made into Christmas trees.  Burra is still a very religious place, with a high density of kirks for a small place, and all still in use.  Taken at the Freefield Kirk, Bridgend, Burra.  

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