A quick blip this evening! We’re getting ready to go down to the boat for drinks and nautical nibbles.
Had a brief walk with the Veep today around the periphery of Rowallane, but threw caution (almost) to the wind and sat outside for coffee and a strange mince pie/flapjack combination. Very sugary.
Collected Christmas gifts and goodies from the Veep, who is in our bubble and will be with us on Christmas Day. She likes to give me all the edible stuff beforehand in case she forgets something vital on the day! As if.
Dashing in to kitchen now to prep some food before we head out. Have a happy and safe weekend, blip chums!
So, so sad. It seems that my daughter and her family won’t be allowed to travel home to Northern Ireland from Scotland for Christmas after all. My older daughter can still probably come over from England, but things are changing every day. They’re both out hundreds of pounds for travel arrangements.
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