One boy...

...and his dog. 

The eldest and I took the puppy for a walk this afternoon.  This was after the husband had what has become a fairly disastrous morning walk as the puppy has decided he does not want to walk on the lead, especially if it is classed as a 'boring' walk on pavements.  I've managed to find a dog trainer who has been highly recommended and we have even got a cancellation slot tomorrow. So hopefully will get some pointers (treats to tempt him to walk don't work - although having a small child run in front of him does!) 

Pretty homely day, Christmas presents wrapped this evening, I think we're more ahead in the Christmas admin than we have ever been (aside from missing the last posting date to America by a day). 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Time with the eldest alone, which rarely happens.  The husband had equally lovely time with the youngest
Setting up the dog training, we kind of need it (he's learning some things well, and other things not so well.. guidance is needed) 
Homely evening spent wrapping presents, there is something nice and comforting about it.  

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