Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

Work in Progress!

If you look at my blip for the 7th February, you will see several balls of wool and 3 Wise Men - I am knitting a Nativity Set for Lawn Primary School's Reception class - and thought I would let you know how things are going.

Not only have I knitted 3 Wise Men, but also 2 Shepherds, Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and the manger.

You will see from today's blip that Joseph is half-finished - and is armless at the moment, Mary is in pieces and Baby Jesus just needs to have some last minute adjustments too. Then of course, I need to find an angel to knit, and also a donkey, a camel and a star.

My main headache is the sheep - a friend of mine thought my first sheep looked like a dog - and I must admit it does rather, so back to the drawing board or the knitting pattern on that one.

It has been great fun knitting all these figures but I have decided against taking orders - to the dismay of several people. They are quite fiddly and require concentration, so I think maybe I will go on to something easier after this. I was researching my Family History, but that has gone by the board, so I would like to get back to that.

I have enjoyed doing this project though and I hope that the children will enjoy all the figures and maybe, in some small way, it will help to bring home the REAL meaning of Christmas.

These figures are MY workmanship - and I thought of one of our memory verses from church - I need to remember that I am a "WIP" or Work in Progress!

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Ephesians 2 : 10
New International Version

Have a great weekend!

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