Summer Solstice Sunset 2020

This evening has been a time of promise.

Today has been the summer solstice for 2020. This afternoon was cloudy, dreary in some ways and then as the time of the sunset approached, the clouds thinned, gaps with clear blue sky appeared, and the eternal, repetitive promise of better times ahead (if only we work for each other, which means primarily for others), came through and I got my blip for the day.  

Today is the day that the Grand Conjunction, of Jupiter and Saturn, was to be most obvious. And we hoped to see it from the Ariki deck, looking southwest after sunset. A few days ago the moon was also seen in the same area of the sky. Clouds again appeared likely to intervene. 

However S and I and daughter J sat outside ever hopeful. The extra for today is what I saw in the right part of the sky at the right time. I was using a 300 mm lens on a hand held Pentax so the detail may not do the reality justice. Nevertheless it is the best I could get.

In the middle of our dinner on the deck, our agent rang to say that the prospective purchaser had called to say that her sale had gone unconditional today and her lawyer will notify ours tomorrow that her offer is now unconditional. 

A sale is a promise of a different future for us. It is also a challenge and disruption as we will have to leave here after almost 20 years, and still to find somewhere else. We will sort that. The relief is almost beyond comprehension. It will sink in more when Stephanie (our lawyer) tells us it’s all signed and sealed. 

Major life change ahead, to keep us young.

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