In the running world, LSD means long slow distance. It is basically a long run, ran at a constant pace that helps to build endurance and maximum oxygen uptake. It is vital in marathon training and you gradually build up your LSD's to prepare you for those 26.2 miles.

Today I ran an 18 mile LSD run. I decided to try out a new route - it went a like this:


It was really nice doing a long run on a new route. I get so sick of running to Musselburgh! This shot is along the water of Leith walkway between Colinton and Stockbridge.

My legs felt heavy at mile 12, but by 15 I was actually feeling quite good. So much so in fact that my last mile was my fastest! Nothing like a strong finish!

My run today was powered by a Torq gel, a High Five Plus gel, a zero sports drink and 5 jelly babies. You can see from my stats that I burned over 3000 calories too, so I can pretty much eat whatever I like this afternoon! Yay!

My inspirational running song of choice that helped me on that last mile was Win in the End by Mark Safan. I could practically see a young Michael J Fox in his basketball gear beside me! I love that man, maybe that's what gave me the boost!

I'm now home and bathed and I'm enjoying scrambled eggs and Wesley cuddles. I've got to say though, there is no simpler pleasure than sitting in the bath, washing the crystallised sweat from your face after a mammoth run. If you've never done endurance sport, you'll just have to trust me on that one!

Exercise: 18 mile run
February running mileage: 100 miles
2013 running mileage: 209 miles

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