
It's my Mum's birthday tomorrow so to celebrate today Mum, Ian, Misty and I met up with Jane and Tony to have a family microadventure.

We are generally an adventuring family, we always have crazy schemes and plans on the go. We are quite taken with the concept of the microadventure at the moment - you don't have to go trekking in India or getting lost in the Amazon to have an adventure. Adventures are all around us, you just have to embrace them.

We went to Northumberland for a visit to Holy Island; a tidal island off the North-East coast of England. The island is cut off twice-daily from the rest of the world by fast-moving tides. When we were considerably younger, we walked the causeway out to the island in between tides. We did the very same thing today.

So this is us walking the final stretch of the St Cuthbert's Way, which pilgrims would have walked from Melrose Abbey to Lindisfarne Priory. Lindisfarne was the centre of Christianity in England - hence the name, Holy Island.

It was quite hard going as we were battling 40mph winds, but we were spurred on by birthday cake (made by my own fair hand) and the promise of a roast dinner at the end. Marvellous!

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