
By MerlotsDad

Honey Glazed Balsamic Chicken

Really good too all thanks to Zizi.

Spent the day form filling and I fell asleep on the sofa whilst Z gave C a foot massage. Her legs and feet are quite swollen and we talked to the Dr today who will arrange for the District Nurse to call. Managed to sort out her final items of medication too.

I meantime managed to arrange a home delivery of my treatment for tomorrow, after alot of messing about between Oxford and HAH.

N managed to get me a small turkey for Christmas day so we're set.

Tomorrow we have a parcel swap arranged for the front door with N.

C been very confused today. Talking about her mum and dad as though they are still alive. I corrected her numerous times but she asked the same questions every 10 minutes despite this.

Thanks for calling in.

Stay Safe



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