Northerhoose to Sullom Voe

Midwinter arrived, fairly calm and sunny this morning, but wind picked up in the afternoon, bringing showers.  

Day off work, and up early.  Me and Sammy headed out early, knowing the rain was due in the afternoon.  On our way home, we popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Wrapped a few Christmas presents in the afternoon.  A fairly lazy evening, hopefully get out for more walkies later.  We had a new case of Covid-19 in Shetland today, transmitted in Shetland.  I'd imagine it's come from a student or recent visitor coming home, and being asymptomatic. 

A fine start to the shortest day, and some fine sunshine.  Sammy enjoyed his walk, mostly off the lead.  We headed to the forest, down to the Gaza pier and then around granny and granddad's old croft.  This was one of the neighbouring crofts, Northerhoose and Sullom Voe oil terminal in the distance.  

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