Christmas Trimmings

A windy day, but a beautiful day of sunshine.  Almost the shortest day, yet the sunshine made it feel that tad bit longer.

A very lazy Sunday morning, but I finally got going.  Headed out walkies after breakfast, and popped by Madeline's on my way home.  Met friend Julie and took the dogs for walk to the Meal beach, then along Lorraine's.  Roast chicken for tea, and then might try a festive pint later, before the pubs close for 3 weeks!  The Scottish Government announced that we are leaving tier 1 on Boxing Day, and straight to tier 3.  We've followed Government guidelines, kept safe, no new cases here in over 2 weeks, yet we are getting punished.  Semi lockdown until the 18th January 2021.

After a walk on the beach, things got a serious for Sammy, time for a Christmas trim.  I usually do it myself, but granny Burra (as Sammy knows her) has a dog grooming table, and a better hand at it.  After his trim, bath time, which is never fun for poor Sammy.  Shame we won't be getting any visitors this year, so Sammy won't be able to show off his new look.  Lorraine and Sammy at the table, Atlaness, Hamnavoe, Burra. 

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