Not seen before

This made me smile. On the back of a van I was stuck behind in traffic.

A pleasant day meeting friends for coffee and snack. I walked across the Meadows to meet them and while the paths were busy the overall view of the Links was empty. See extra.

At the venue I met a friend’s son working behind the bar. With my specs steaming up it was a bit difficult to recognise him to start with. Despite all the decorations in place more were being wheeled in as we watched. Another extra.

Then lunch with another friend in the north of the city We were going for a soft drink but decided the lunch menu looked good. Despite being substantial it did not allow the no alcohol rule to be breached.

To round off the afternoon a trip to Sainsbury’s. Despite piles of Maris Piper potatoes being stacked yesterday they had all gone but I managed to get everything I needed.

Weather had turned to rain so the only star I saw was in the car park. Final extra.

Learned from the radio today that the convergences are more frequent than every 800 years. The significance of this one is that it happens just after sunset and is visible unlike most of the others which happen in daylight or in the wee sma hours.

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