T4 D003 Outside

A surprisingly busy day, mostly writing end of year review feedback for my team and then chasing round trying to find someone who could deal with a problem with our HR system. Doing anything as obvious as planning critical system cover seems to have escaped anyone's mind.

Plus i replaced the tree lights that stopped working yesterday, queued at the butchers to collect the turkey and a smaller lump of beef than originally planned, chased, caught and gave the two cats their flea drops, Freecycled more random things, changed the bed - twice as the duvet cover had obviously been dried under a tree (lucky strike pigeon) and sorted out the enormous pile of clean washing everyone else had stepped round.

Meanwhile, the newly anti flea'd cats sulked outside.

The things that look like small piles of poo / rocks on the table are in fact some very small sweet potatoes from the garden that I'd forgotton about.

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