Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Those that improvise together, stay together

We went for a walk along the canal to St John’s but it was really busy with walkers, joggers and cyclists and TSM didn’t have a face mask. I had one of the enormous fabric snood style ones so we cut the seam with some keys and pulled it in half to make two smaller, but still more than adequate, masks.

Story of our 26 years together really. Making it up as we go along, and sharing.

I was amazed how unbothered people seemed. We kept ducking into hedgerows to avoid contact but no-one else seemed concerned. I am more anxious as I had started the day with an on-call videoconference (I am on call for two days - we share the rota out over Christmas and new year whereas normally we do one week at a time). The rates of infection are really out of control, which is a matter of public knowledge, so I don’t know why people aren’t wearing masks everywhere they go.

We had a family conference in the afternoon and agreed some ground rules. All a bit sobering but I am very worried about this latest mutation and think there are more to come; I’m not sure the vaccine programme will keep up. Hope I’m proved wrong.

Sorted out Christmas presents, watched a movie, ate macaroni and chocolate (not at the same time, you’d be sick) ... been a good day, apart from you know what ...

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