Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Office: Takeover

Strider is taking academia in his stride. Latest assessment is for a very good outcome indeed; but more important than that, he’s loving it. So I am more than happy to let him use my workspace whilst he is home from Uni. 

Very good day today. Started with a race to the front when we realised we had forgotten to put the bins out - always a good way to wake up, no mucking about, shock treatment for the senses. Plus the embarrassment factor of hopping around in the rain in your pyjamas whilst the bin men laugh at you.

After that we had a rather lovely time lying in bed and talking nonsense and laughing. Eventually we had to get up, sadly, but by then it was well into the morning. 

We went to Sainsbury’s,  not to shop but to dump cardboard. We had a lot of cardboard. ‘Tis the season. Covid plus Christmas = many packages. Then the local farm shop which I avoided by staying in the car. TSM got angry with people not social distancing and generally behaving stupidly. Beggars belief. Here we are, with new virus strains being discovered every day, and people are sleepwalking into pandemic part 3 ...

Office party on zoom at 3pm which was brilliant. Great fun. I have lovely colleagues. Then we watched The Santa Claus which is silly but seasonal. Then we started watching a Netflix movie about a woman and artificial intelligence on Mars and bad blood between the woman and her sister  but stopped after half an hour because we were tired ... but I suspect it ends badly ... AI and family therapy never works out

Christmas Eve tomorrow. Feeling quite seasonal now ...

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