
By HarryG

Market stall ... strutting bird

Queue for sushi at the market this morning ... it is fresh and good. but this morning with flutters of snow flakes it was colder than we expected.

Ever had one of those days when making progress feels like wading through mud? Today was one: zipped up my jacket to go out, zip popped out of its anchor and ripped open below the fastener; went to the bicycle shed, left the key upstairs; got to the market, list was at home; after shopping wanted to take the car to Currys, battery was flat; chose motorbike instead, needed petrol; got to Currys, speedlite model out of stock; back home again to book for a friend's gig tomorrow, online booking unavailable, phone booking closed...aaaaaagh!

I'm going to hide under a duvet and wake up on a better day tomorrow!

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