Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Tea With Travellers

After going a long (and cold) walk with Hovis I called in at the local Iceland. I noticed these caravans and took a quick snap because it was an usual place for them to be.

Once I'd done the shopping and I was on the way back to the car, one of the traveller's children approached me and said that his mother had told him to ask if I would help to jump start their car (the silver one). I explained that I didn't have any jump leads and he said that they did. So, I drove my car over and parked alongside the silver one. He, I later found out that he was called Johnny, attached the leads to my car and there were sparks from the battery and my car died!!!

I then had to phone for breakdown assistance. A community police officer appeared from nowhere and Johnny asked him if he could restart my car and then theirs. The CPO said he couldn't in case anything happened to his car....good reasoning!! He hung around for a while and chatted. I also went back into Iceland with some of my shopping to ask if they would put it in a freezer for me until I'd got my car started again...which they did, very helpful.

I then spent a good half an hour sat in a caravan with the travellers, having a nice cup of coffee with cake and fending off four curious children's questions. This could only happen to me! Once the AA man arrived, he quickly got my car started....refused to start the silver car unless Johnny showed him his AA membership card (!!)...and then asked me to drive away from the caravans and park up where he would then check my car over. (As I drove off, the travellers were all standing in the caravan doorway waving!) He did that while I ran back into Iceland for my frozen food. I said to the AA man that I knew what he was going to say...but he just said that I have a good heart and nothing wrong with that. The only thing with my car was that Johnny had dislodged one of the connectors from the top of the battery but that the battery itself was fine. Who'd have thought my morning would be so eventful?

The boys went to their Dad's this afternoon so I went shopping with Mum and she treated me to lots of groovy household goodies....a lamp, a new bin, a vase with light up flowers! Lucky me!!

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