And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Hey guys sooooooo much better today :) thanks for the comments on yesterday fairy street lights! day started well with a nice walk, then to Morrison for a cooked breakfast ( hoping I chose wisely ) then did are weekly shop. We had snow showers in the morning but nothing bad, just felt very cold. I forgot to do a blip today shock horror!!! Then we had a visit from the beautiful Fia she is a star and never stopped laughing :) she has finally noticed Ash and loved him :)

Dave made the most amazing kashmiri chicken curry tonight with pilau rice and home made Samosa too mmmmmm mm it was a delight I really wanted seconds but I resisted, and after a few mins I was full anyway so I would have been sorry to have eaten more, especially when I am stepping on the scales on Tuesday :)

have a great evening all.

love c x x x

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