Eight year olds .....

...... Christmas story!
I think this is delightful, I can easily interpret the story here it just takes a while to think about it. But it really is all there. Well done J, it's my nieces son ( who hasn't had it easy in his little life ) . It's a way of the school raising funds , some years it has been tea towels or gift tags this year it seems to have been Christmas cards. Each child draws a picture which is transposed to ( in this case) a card then sold in aid of the school.
I've had a day of this and that , made 8 portions of chicken and veg soup for the freezer amongst other things. Have had phone calls, my hair stylist brought me a gift round and daughter C's primary school friend came round with a card and flowers for me. How kind of them and awful you have to S/D and can't even offer a drink. It is 3.15pm thought we'd begin to see a little light bit by bit now. Not to be today tho' it's really gloomy.
I will be going to midnight mass , but I'm very tired so hope I can keep awake, sleeping is on and off these days .
I wish everyone out there a very happy, blessed and peaceful Christmas with hopes for a better new year for all .
Thank you to all at blipfoto who have kept the site going , it's always appreciated but no more than this year .

Grateful ..... for the kindness that is all around . Thinking of those who are less fortunate than me .

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