Christmas 2020 style.

Well, that was different.

Text at 6.30am showing Emmeline outside her Christmas present. A garden house that took her Dad and his Uncle two days to build. He's not the handyman type, so quite an achievement. That, and the fact they had to distract her from the garden all week. She looks pretty pleased with it though.

Enjoyed the 'novel' champagne chat with the neighbours over the fence in the freezing cold.

The watching the Grandchildren open our presents via Zoom went better than I anticipated.

Then the peace and strangeness in the house. Couldn't dwell on what should have been.

Jodie heated up the food we took over yesterday. She looks like she's the Queen of the 'shove everything in the oven till it turns brown' operative!, it looked lovely. She is no cook and that is exactly what she asked me if that's what she should do!

A mini disco via portal early evening.

Now, at the end of the day I seem to have tooth problems. Feels like I've lost the sides of two teeth, top right and bottom left. Think my crackling was too well done! Think it's going to be an exspensive 2021 at the dentists!

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