Reduced circumstances

I'm not sure that our Christmas Day was that different from various ones we've had over the years. We were on our own four years ago. But that was through choice, not because it was mandated, and of course that feels different. And this time last year we were wandering the streets of Madrid, looking forward to a two week stay in Seville enjoying sunshine and much more outdoor life. Hmmm. Travel. Trips. Remember them?

Today, it was a wander over to Leith Walk for me, to photograph a rather new piece of street art by The Rebel Bear (known as 'Scotland's Banksy'), which replaced an earlier one by the same artist blipped by hazelh. I'm sure I photographed that piece of street art, but I'm damned if I can find it anywhere.... I'm not the first person to blip this either, but perhaps at least I may be the only one to blip it on Christmas Day.

The fresh air on a fairly crispy day was good for me, as was the spinning a bit later. This was followed by a fairly lengthy family zoom, unfortunately missing a few potential participants, especially the ones in Western Australia who had already retired to bed (having apparently been up since 4.30am with their kids...). But at least we involved two continents, and it was nice to catch up with people and to set a framework in which some cousins were able to catch up with each other. This may become a 'new' tradition.

Mr A and I then had our 'Christmas Dinner' (rolled lamb shoulder), and slumped in front of the TV. My cousin's husband had suggested we watch something about canals on Prime, but we have to say it didn't captivate us....

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