Christmas Day 2021

Most people offer family snaps, pictures of their dinner or possibly pictures from a gentle walk (well in that case see extras for a couple more streetart photographs from the environs). I offer you the shadows of my feet in the morning sunshine, which was most welcome indeed after endless grey days. That to me sums up the day, which has been noticeable for its slothfulness. After a bit more reading in the morning, I headed off for a morning walk which enabled me to make a delivery to hazelh and get a blip. Home again, I had a couple of small contributions to make to dinner (apple sauce and the opening of a posh packet of stuffing). Mr A meanwhile prepared roasted wild boar with root vegetables and stir fried cabbage, with a Spanish cheese cake to follow. That all went down well around 3pm, after which we had a watch-a-thon of Christmas University Challenges right up to yesterday.

Now, I’ve just finished my book (Free), which means I have to figure out something else to take to Mull (i.e. physical “day” books alongside my regular kindle fiction - currently Love is Blind by William Boyd). I have a small pile by my chair. I will have a look through and decide what lays claim to my attention. I’m pretty sure that I’ve read a lot more books than in previous years, and I’ve also kept a record of them and some notes on each, which is a novelty for me.

Slightly narked to have been coughing quite a bit more this afternoon than on previous days. No idea what has set it off. Hoping that a hot toddy before bed time will calm it down.

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