He'll say "are you married?", we'll say "no Man"

and so it came to pass, that at the start of December I did crochet a snow man who did look like the one out of the film with "Let it Go in it"'  and I did think that it was too big, and so i Modified the recipe and created this one. 

And then it did happen, that the man of the Tree of Ultimate Happiness did put the lights back on and I gave him two of my little snow men for his daughter. 

And then I thought.  I will make one for the baby next door.  And I did. 

And then I thought, I will make one for the grandchildren of Cathy and Davie...  three in all. 

And then I did think... I will make them for my Department  - 4 off; and then I made another one for Mo and Gallus.  

And then I did make one for Christine next doors new baby grand child... 

And I did hear Simon say "maybe you should make one for everyone in the street.  

And so it was that I did crochet snowmen right up until Christmas Eve. 

I made 1 for every 15 houses in our street; with one round the corner too - and 4 extra for babies.   5 for work-related.  2 for Family related. And one for Finland. 

27 Snowmen in all. 

And then I looked round for one for me, to keep and treasure.  

And I realised I had only the first one, of which I wasn't that fussy. 

Looks like I need to get the wool out again. 

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