The Adventures of Emilia

By Emilias_mummy

Are we there yet?!

Well today has been a toughy.... I was not very well in the night and so didnt settle down for a good sleep. Luckily grandad came to the rescue so mama and papa could get a good rest before our mammoth journey today.

Because I was up screaming anyway we left granny, grandad and rosie at 4am this morning and we are just about home finally!

The day has involved countless nappy changes, 5 changes of clothes, quite a few sing songs, screaming matches and one projectile vomit session of chicken risotto.

All that being said it will be great to get into my own bed tonight (even though mummy forgot my pillow), and it was lovely to be back in scotland for so long so it was all worth it.

There were no problems with queues for cars to get on the tunnel, we had to do a weird windy, twisty road since the motorway was shut but all in all it was fine. And of course mama and papa had to show their test results a few times, lucky I didn't need one with the way I'm feeling!

I do feel sorry for those poor truckers though, one day of being stuck in my car and I'm over it, some of them have been there for days now! I hope people are stil taking them some dinner and blankets!

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