Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Friday — Christmas

This was a rather crappy Christmas (is that okay to say?). It was just the two of us. In times past (when we lived in the big house), we’ve had 12, 14, even 16 people at our holiday table. Today it was just quiet here and an obvious lack of people. This has been a different year for many reasons other than just Covid.

This photo is our granddaughter Ashly (our daughter’s daughter) and her 18 month old little son RJ. They stopped by this evening after she had been to her dad’s house. It was delightful to see them.

Ashly revealed that no one had gotten together. Her in-laws do Christmas breakfast (not dinner). Ashly’s side of the family (which was our daughter’s family until she divorced out of the family) always did a big Christmas Eve, but not this year — Ashly’s paternal Grandma Bonnie died this past September from cancer so their family did nothing for Christmas Eve or day (I thought the family would have gathered in honor of Grandma Bonnie). Ashly had driven to her dad’s house here in Corona to take him homemade cookies, jerky, and cured bacon (but Ashly’s hubby, Robert, was not with her, he was working at home. His company works 24/7 365. It was his turn to work the holiday.) Ashly & Robert live with his parents in a brand new “Next Gen” house in a new development north of us in the city of Fontana. So my feeling of being “left-out” was over stuff that wasn’t even happening! Now I realize they were each dealing with their own situations.

If Covid was not a reality, I do believe Ashly would have had a festive Christmas dinner in their new home. Her mother-in-law, Trina, has had cancer and heart issues, and we don’t want to be the people who unexpectantly expose her to Covid, by coming down with it a day or three after all being together (that’s why we skipped Thanksgiving). Mr. Fun goes into Kaiser Medical Center every M-F for radiation treatments for prostate cancer and who knows what he is exposed to. So we elected to stay home.

I thought I would be okay staying home by ourselves, but my emotions over-ruled my logic, and my feelings did a nose dive. Crazy. I’m so glad Ashly and RJ came by for a brief visit.
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None of us are as alone as Mary & Joseph must have felt that first Christmas. We are blessed with a warm home and we have a food for our holiday dinner. We have each other and two pups who love us. We have the knowledge that Jesus left Heaven for us. I can hardly fathom what He did for me, for us. He came to take away our sin, not our minds. He loves us more than we can understand. The Bible reports it all. He died for me, for you. “Forever” is ours with Jesus. Where will you spend Forever?
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Merry Christmas everyone,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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