Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Saturday — Chloe

Ten years ago today Chloe joined our family.

Chloe missed Santa’s sleigh 10 years ago, but she arrived anyway! Chloe wasn't on Santa's sleigh probably because she was out playing and missed her ride. She was definitely a gift! We will always celebrate the day after Christmas as the day Chloe joined our family. We enjoy her immensely.

We had lived slightly over six months without a dog; Mr. Fun wasn't sure we were ready for another pup and I wasn't sure we should continue on any longer without a dog. Ten years ago little Chloe was handed over to us after we drove to the home of a colleague who had advertised "free dog" in the college's online "Marketplace." The ad claimed she was 6 months old, 8 pounds, well behaved, very affectionate, and a Maltese/Shihtzu mixture. We are not sure but we think she is neither of those breeds, but think she is a mixture of wire-haired Terrier and Chihuahua and who knows what else. She fit into our lives immediately.

I'm embarrassed to admit that if I'd gone to a shelter to select a dog, I most likely would have overlooked her. Just writing that makes tears come to my eyes. She was a shelter dog who wasn’t at the shelter. I thought I wanted a dog with soft fluffy fur and one that did not shed.

Thankfully the colleague who offered her didn't ask me when we arrived at their home if I wanted her, she just put her in my arms, gave us some of her chew toys, and a package of potty pads. I asked one question, "Why are you giving her away?" They had found her running on the street. The answer, "We already have three dogs and three is enough." We got back in the car and were on our way.

Ten years ago we were the recipients of a gift, even if Chloe was a gift that we chose and not a surprise given to us in a beautifully wrapped box. Judith Thurman claims, "The most memorable gifts seem to answer a question, settle a doubt, or anticipate a want the recipient perhaps hasn't yet thought of or been able to express." Chloe has been all of the above for us and more. She's the best little gift that missed Santa's sleigh.

Today we celebrate Chloe!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

P.S. In the most current photo, Chloe is wearing a red infant’s “onesie.” I bought it at the thrift store for 25 cents and I need to get the scissors and cut off the snaps that connect the onesie when a baby is wearing it.

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