Rain, rain, rain, rain

On Christmas Eve I posted a blip just after a glorious sunrise and called it "Roaring Sunrise". Today was a whispering, almost inaudible, sunrise. The darkness lifted oh so slowly, and stopped lifting well before it felt like real daylight had arrived. Lights were needed all day inside. The lovely snow that fell yesterday evening was swept away by rain, a lot of rain, and +5°C temperatures.
We stayed indoors most of the day, with just one brief foray into the outdoor world because you have to get a breath of fresh air, don't you! We were very well wrapped up, and only out for about 20 minutes, but the bathroom was filled with dripping coats and over-trousers afterwards. A pre-dinner session of yoga completed the physical exercise for the day.
I reckon this picture pairs well with HarlingDarling's, though we didn't plan it. Jan's shows a cosy interior, mine the contrasting outside world, and the rain beating on the windows.
I just scanned through the day's blips and I'm very pleased to see that following Storm Bella many of you are enjoying blue skies, and much nicer weather than us!

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