The fixer

Remember I bought a chair for Cs birthday, well on Christmas Eve it stopped working. I rang the local company yesterday and then this morning they rang to say someone would be around to take a look today.

This lady came and 10 minutes later it was working. It was just a faulty connection underneath. I can't remember her name but she is the owner and was pleased she could help us today. I had a long chat before she arrived with an employee who happened to be her dad, what a lovely lot of people they are and so helpful.

Today I made lunch as Zizi had cut her finger and was resting on her bed, poor girl. It wasn't the size of the wound it was the sight of blood that made her feel woozy haha. I wish I'd known before as I have often had my injection in front of her....

Anyhow, after drowning my sorrows yesterday I felt better today. Had a face time withe the kids and watched TV all day with C. Well apart from one little snooze. C still asking me about Maria which is what she calls Zizi. She takes it in good part and laughs alot, and today I called her Maria too which caused great hilarity.

Thanks for looking in today and thanks everyone for your kind words.

Stay safe.



Ps Z cut her finger on a new knife I bought recently. She said all our knives were blunt so I splashed out.
At least we know that this one cuts!

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