
By FarmerGirl

Maruia Saddle - 300th Blip

Today we left Hanmer Springs, detouring from the Shenandoah at Frog Flat, and going via the Maruia Saddle, a beautiful 4WD trip through lovely shaded countryside and native trees and bush. The road has recently been upgraded, due to massive flooding from recent rains earlier in the year. We travelled over about five fords and the odd bridge on our journey. In times of heavy rain, the road is closed, as it becomes inpassable.

Coming from the Shenandoah end, the Saddle road comes out at the top of the Matakitaki Valley. If you follow this road down you will eventually end up in Murchison. We stopped on the saddle, in the shade and had a picnic lunch - it was lovely and peaceful, with the odd bird singing from the tree tops.

Today is my 300th blip. I do have to thank a lot of people, but rather than spend time mentioning everyone, I would like to make a special mention of Kiwilizzie and TeeJay who inspired me with their photography to purchase a camera, and eventually join blip. So thanks you two, I have a new hobby, one that my family are really involved in also.

I have met so many people through blip, indirectly through viewing blips, and directly through blipmeets. I now have friends all over the world, and one day, in the distant future, it is my goal for Farmerboy and myself to visit some of the places and blippers that I have met via blipfoto.

My next goal is to learn how to use my camera manually - I'm not sure how I will do this, but will do lots of fiddling with the controls, write things down, and see where it gets me.

And lastly, thank you to all of you out there that comment on my photo's, and give me stars and hearts. At times I get busy, and although I don't always have time to comment, I do look at your beautiful blips.

Roll on 365!

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