
By FarmerGirl

Yes, another white butterfly

It seems to be the day for photographing white butterflies, with TeeJay and Paladian both blipping the same thing as me today.

I took this out in our paddock of turnips this evening. I patiently stood amongst the turnip plants, which have grown up to my knees, waiting for this butterfly to settle on a plant, close enough so I could take a photo with my macro lens. And while standing there, I was eaten alive by sandflies - not nice!

This butterfly decided to finally settle on a willow weed flower, so I quickly took this photo with my macro lens. I can't get over how pretty the eyes are on these butterflies - considering they are a pest, they are rather beautiful.

Many thanks for everyone's comments, stars and hearts on my 300th blip yesterday. I am slowly replying - but it may just take me a while.

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