
By Beewriter

Cherry Pickers

Well I woke up to a white world. Not deep, but enough to put me off driving to Gaddings Dam. It is the little roads that I didn’t want to get stuck on. I had a bit of a lie in instead, then I walked along to the garage to get some milk. It was slushy and slippy underfoot.

Back at home I started making my hat for the New Year’s Day Swim. Last year I made the Titanic, this year I’m doing the film, Jaws.

Pat and I went for a walk in Blackleach Park this afternoon. I’ve seen these cherry pickers from the motorway and we found a way to get to them. I want to get a pic sometime when there is a great sunset. Now I’m painting a shark and wondering whether to make some food. I’ve had no appetite for the last two weeks or so which is no bad thing really.

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