
A frosty morning, and stayed cold all day.  A fine sunny morning, clear skies, but the low winter sun didn't lift much above the clouds on the horizon.  Showers started this evening. 

Up early, and headed out walkies after breakfast.  I managed two loads of washing out.  Headed out in the afternoon, having to make the most of it, in case we head into tier 4.  A quiet evening at home, and fire on.  Another 10 new Coronavirus cases here in Shetland today, and 120 people tracked and traced, and having to self isolate.  The stupidity of one, is affecting so many now! 

A fine peaceful walk this afternoon, and hardly a soul to be seen, the odd dog walker, and the odd crofter.  The lonely roads and hills will be my walks for the next while, and Sammy gets the chance to sniff out rabbits.  It was a shame the low sun disappeared behind the low clouds.  Taken at Waas (Walls). 

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