December Surf

A wonderful day, mostly sunny, the odd cloud passed over, and flat calm all day and night.  Frosty out tonight.

Up early, and a morning around the house.  Late morning we headed out for a run, and a walk along the beach.  First stop St Ninian's was washed over, so headed to West Voe.  Popped by mam's on the way home, and enjoyed a cuppa in the garden, must be a first in December!  Household chores this evening, before meeting friend Julie for a walk.  Feet up now.  How quickly this Covid-19 tale can change, we've had 16 new cases this week now.  Most cases from Busta House Hotel staff party, and I'd think many more cases to come.  One guy knew he had the virus, but still went to work, the pub and the party, spreading it across the isles now.  A wake up call for many! 

As we walked along the beach, I got excited, thinking I'd spotted Orcas in the surf.  As we approached, the killing machines turned out to be some surfers riding the waves.  Not really the time of year you expect to see folk out in the water, but this last few weeks there has been loads, with 'Wild Swimming' being a big thing just now.  I'd love to give surfing a go, but glad to be on dry ground in winter.  Taken at West Voe, Sumburgh.  

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