Just a walk in the park

Fletch was better today and the sun was trying hard to shine. A rather hazy day but no wind and we walked up to the park. It was  busy but there is plenty of space to keep away from people and we had a good stroll round. 
I took the camera . I didnt take many photos,  but I was determined I'd take it as I've often wished recently that I had it with me. I decide to take a photo of the birds..( extras) As soon as I started to take their photo they started preening and wouldn't keep still! I'd be no good as a wildlife photographer,  spending several hours waiting for the perfect shot! 

We had to walk past the children's playground which was alarmingly busy. So many children interacting and no obvious social distancing and no one seemed to  be wearing a mask. 
It worries me that despite the high number of cases each day  too many people seem to be relaxing their guard. 
We kept our distance!

Back home and I did a few collages of photos for the mini projects I've done this year for the camera Club. I also had to alter the dates for our weekly prompts for next year.. and then after discussion it was decided to change them back. Ok till I uploaded the file and nobody else could access it. It took several attempts  before I was successful.
 I've still not opened the new printer box!

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